Thursday, June 29, 2006

America's Debt Problem

The root of the debt problem lies more in the fact that fractional reserve banking creates an economic situation in which a few people make enormous profits from the debt of others in the form of interest and fees, while putting virtually nothing at stake. Those making the profits put themselves in a position where they control everything, from the government on down. Forget the law as the "ultimate backstage pass" as Al Pacino said in the movie "The Devil's Advocate", banking is where it's at.

The fractional banking system allows private banks, rather than the people (via government) to create money. The Constitution gives Congress the power to create money, but they've abdicated this power to a private bank called the Federal Reserve. That is why all of the paper money says "Federal Reserve Note." You may say, "but the U.S. Mint prints the money." Yes, but only after the U.S. Treasury sells Treasury notes to the Fed, who then creates an entry in a ledger that is equivalent to the amount of the notes sold. The treasury can then have the Mint print that amount of money, which the Treasury pays full face value for, while the Fed's cost on the bills is minimal and the same regardless of denomination.

Our tax dollars go to pay the interest on the Government debt to the Federal Reserve (which is NOT a government agency - they are only 'Federal' in the same way that 'Federal Express' is). The IRS is the collection agency, and boy, have they been busy. Tax cuts for the mega-rich have been accompanied by stepped-up enforcement on everybody else. That interest has got to be paid, and those who benefit from that interest surely aren't going to stand for a situation that requires that they tax themselves! Thus, we have the Conservative push for tax cut packages that benefit the wealthiest Americans, and - here is where the real ignorance kicks in - millions of Americans who support Conservative policies because they allow themselves to be hoodwinked by wedge issues rather than understand the implications of giving fewer people more money, and thus more power. The Founders of this country fought a war to break free of just such a situation. Conservatism pushes to bring those days back, and anyone who supports Conservatism is not capable of being 'patriotic'. Being true to your country means standing behind what the country was built upon, not just blindly following whatever those at the reins of the Government say.

America was built upon the right people are born with to live free, not to be ruled by a monarch or something like it. The Conservatives talk about "smaller government" and they do mean that, but only in the sense of there being no central point for the people to gather and try to mutually decide upon the framework for their destinies - you see, the Conservatives would rather not have that - it gets in the way of allowing a minority to consolidate power. Whenever anyone starts talking about "smaller government" to me, I like to point out that a King and Queen make a for a pretty small government. I may be a bit guilty of equivocation, but many people get the point of what I'm saying.

Freedom isn't free, but it's not some nebulous "terrorists" who we have to fight for it, it's the forces of American Conservatism. I only hope I'm around to see the day when the blowback hits these lying, manipulative bastards square in their un-patriotic faces.

Tell Ted Nugent that it doesn't matter how good of a shot he is, or Charlie Daniels for that matter, they are mistaken to think that "liberals" (the Conservative catch-all term for anyone who disagrees with them) pose the danger to America that their buddies in the Republican party do. Being famous does not automatically make them any kind of authority on anything, but the Conservatives have been able to increase the mega-rich/poor divide by using shills like these guys to help further their cause among the people they hurt the most.

If anyone thinks that Osama bin Ladin was going to get a boot in his ass (as the song goes), he'll be getting off light compared to what's going to happen to these fake patriots when the Real Americans realize they have been attacked in a way much more devastating and insidious than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. The realization is already starting to happen, and no amount of NSA spying, Halliburton-built detention camps, or disinformation spread by hacks and shills is going to stop it. American Revolution, version 2.0 - coming to a country near you - BE THERE!

(For an excellent, concise read on the root cause of wealth inequality today, see Money vs. Wealth by David Korten, who has an MBA and PhD from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, has served on the faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Business, and has spent many years in Asia on assignment from the Ford Foundation and the US Agency for International Development.)

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