Saturday, October 29, 2005

Quickie: That Eerie Feeling

I don't know how many people watched the recent CBS "reality" show "Rock Star: INXS," but I have a feeling I'm not alone in feeling disappointed at the outcome. Worse, even though there were clues abounding over the course of the series, I felt as though I'd been had. "Rock Star" became a family event at my house. Every week we debated the merits and shortfalls of each contestant. It was fun. Yet, the winner was the guy we liked the least. Reminds me of the last election.


The Doll said...

Not being an INXS fan .... the pick was perfect! No personality, no color, no problem.

He was good enough to eat though ... boiled!

The Doll Cartoons

Highpowered said...

That's my feeling exactly. The obviously had no interest in becoming anything more, or showing any progress at all.

Dave Navarro was shameless with his attempts to get into Suzie's pants.

All in all, excellent entertainment!